Sunday, February 9, 2014

Bottling, Bottling, and Dry Hopping

Multiple topics here: on Feb 5, I bottled the robust porter and the cider. Then on Feb 9, I dry hopped the Kansas City Pale Ale and racked it to secondary (even though it's not necessary and sometimes not worth the risk even you dry hop or add fruit or things - discussion and more discussion).
Pale ale being siphoned into the carboy for secondary fermentation.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Robust Porter Update

This is an update to the Robust Porter I brewed on January 11.

I checked the specific gravity today; it's a little high. It's been in the fermenter for 3 weeks now, and it the SG is 1.022. The target FG is 1.15. Maybe I didn't oxygenate enough? Maybe not enough yeast made it from the yeast bag into the narrow mouth of the carboy (there was some that got stuck on the funnel)? I think it tastes fine, though. Very dark, not much hoppiness. I don't know if that's a result of the partial boil, the high gravity, the altered hop schedule, the recipe itself, or what. I'm not experienced enough to know if it definitely tastes good, since right now it's flat and about 60 degrees, and when I drink it for real it will be carbonated and a bit colder. Conditioning should help it out as well. Good news, though: I don't think I can taste that I burned the wort.